Andrea Bonaceto reinterprets, in cryptoart, the historic first page of the "landing on the Moon": which will go on sale in a digital auction on Thursday 23 September
Corriere della Sera boasts the first ever debut of digital art ( NFT, acronym for Non Fungible Tokens ) displaying Andrea Bonaceto' s work, an interpretation of the historical newspaper front page page of the moon landing with the Apollo 11 mission, which on Thursday 23 September will be auctioned.
A front page with profound symbolic value, open to the future, to conquer new frontiers by virtue of technological progress: yesterday in cosmic space, today in the dimension of digital art. The reinterpretation of that front page, dated Monday 21 July 1969, is entrusted to one of the most successful Italians at an international level in the field of cryptoart, Andrea Bonaceto . Who in recent months has generated a lot of talk about himself for a series of art works with Sophia , the most advanced humanoid robot in the world, with a face inspired by that of Audrey Hepburn. "Artificial intelligence is increasingly dominant in the operational components of life and, in an unstoppable historical process, it will also become so in artistic creation," he explains.
For Corriere della Sera Bonaceto - a pioneer in the exploration of NFT spaces - has created a collection of exemplary works of his style, «which blends visual art and poetry in a single medium». For the "drop" - which in NFT jargon indicates the sale of the work - Nifty Gateway ( here the link ) was chosen , one of the main online auction platforms for digital art.
Tomorrow, Thursday 23 September, for just one hour between 6pm and 7pm , the ten numbered editions of the cover will go up for auction - without any starting price.; to win them, the top ten best bidders. At the same time, in the first thirty minutes, the limited editions of the portraits of the three astronauts , protagonists of the enterprise , will also be put on sale at a fixed price : 5 thousand dollars for the fifteen specimens with the effigy of Neil Armstrong (the first man to set foot on lunar soil), $ 2,500 for the thirty copies with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins respectively . If demand outstrips supply, the portraits will be drawn into a sort of virtual lottery. On the other hand, the illustrated poem Waiting for a train in Palmira is available only in five copies , which Bonaceto reserves for collectors at the symbolic price of three dollars.
A couple of hours before the drop it will be possible to talk with the author during a live chat on the Nifty Gateway Twitter channel .
The sale of the works of art stored in blockchain - a shared and immutable digital file - has registered an exponential increase in the last year. Digital art has entered important corporate collections, from Visa to Coca Cola, as well as having conquered personalities such as Paris Hilton and noble auction houses such as Christie's. "Advances in modern technologies, with high definition screens, projectors, virtual reality viewers, are evolving by leaps and bounds," adds Bonaceto. "It is not surprising, therefore, that the use of works of art in digital form is a constantly growing trend". Get ready: this is just the beginning.